Tight of male pitcher pitching to catcher Clip Length 00:00:08 Frame Rate 59.94 Download Options HD Mp4 Join now to download Categories Sports and Recreation Nature Keywords outdoor outdoors outside sunny sun day daytime sport sports recreation recreational baseball person people guy guys male tight pitcher pitching catcher
Sequenced Close up of baseball catcher staring at baseball field - slow motion Slow Motion Sports and Recreation Join now to download
Sequenced Close up of baseball catcher staring at baseball field Sports and Recreation Nature Join now to download
Sequenced Medium of baseball catcher staring at camera while holding glove out - slow motion Slow Motion Sports and Recreation Join now to download
Sequenced Medium of baseball catcher staring at camera while holding glove out Sports and Recreation Nature Join now to download
Sequenced Medium of baseball catcher staring into camera - slow motion Slow Motion Sports and Recreation Join now to download
Sequenced Medium of baseball catcher staring into camera Sports and Recreation Nature Join now to download
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Sequenced Pan left of American pronghorn walking through field Animals and Wildlife Nature Join now to download
Sequenced Wide of American pronghorn herd in field by foothills of mountains Animals and Wildlife Nature Join now to download
UPS Freight train passing under urban bridge on cloudy day in California Aerial Transportation Join now to download
Bridge over freight cars stopped on train tracks on cloudy day in California Aerial Transportation Join now to download
Sequenced Tight of male baseball player holding baseball up to camera - slow motion Slow Motion Sports and Recreation Join now to download
Sequenced Tight of baseball player holding baseball up to camera - slow motion Slow Motion Sports and Recreation Join now to download
Sequenced Close up of baseball player holding up baseball to camera - slow motion Slow Motion Sports and Recreation Join now to download
Sequenced Circle pan of baseball batter waiting to hit baseball - slow motion Slow Motion Sports and Recreation Join now to download
Sequenced Circle pan of batter waiting to hit baseball - slow motion Slow Motion Sports and Recreation Join now to download
Sequenced Tight circle pan of catchers face as he waits for pitch - slow motion Slow Motion Sports and Recreation Join now to download