Pharmacist placing pen on form on pharmacy desk Clip Length 00:00:08 Frame Rate 29.97 Download Options HD MP4 Join now to download Categories Healthcare and Medical Keywords doctor doctors pharmacy pharmacist medicine medication medicines medications pharmaceutical pharmaceuticals drug drugs drug store drug stores
Sequenced Female pharmacist weighing and measuring medication on scale in pharmacy Healthcare and Medical Join now to download
Sequenced Female pharmacist writing down medication notes in pharmacy Healthcare and Medical Join now to download
Sequenced Pharmacist calculating and writing down notes onto sheet in pharmacy Healthcare and Medical Join now to download
Golfer dropping and hitting ball on golf course with red sandstone formations in Sedona AZ ground level Sports and Recreation Places Lifestyle Editorial Join now to download
Sequenced Man climbing up large rock in Watson Lake Park Sports and Recreation Nature Lifestyle Join now to download
Sequenced Looking up at green building with red topped structure in Romanian town Places Join now to download
Sequenced Older male customer picking up medication from a pharmacy Healthcare and Medical Join now to download
Sequenced Female pharmacist weighing and measuring medication on scale in pharmacy Healthcare and Medical Join now to download
Sequenced Patient couple finishing up consultation with young female nurse and leaving exam room Healthcare and Medical Lifestyle Join now to download
Sequenced Older female nurse consulting with couple in doctors office exam room Healthcare and Medical Join now to download
Sequenced Female patient lying on exam bed as older female nurse listens to her heart and breathing in exam room Healthcare and Medical Join now to download