Low of man watching video on phone slow motion Clip Length 00:00:19 Frame Rate 23.97 Download Options HD Mp4 Join now to download Categories Slow Motion Lifestyle Keywords exterior outside outdoor outdoors College campus school university Man male dude guy young student table sit sits sitting phone cellphone cell phone smartphone smart phone video streaming watch watches watching
Sequenced Tight tilt down of man watching video on phone slow motion Slow Motion Lifestyle Join now to download
Sequenced Close up and tilt up of stacks of parts sitting on desk to make paper model airplane Education Science Join now to download
Sequenced Close up of stack of canards to create paper plane model Education Science Join now to download
Close up of students trying to assemble light box on table unsuccessfully 2 Education Science Join now to download
Sequenced Close up of three female students assembling wheel components on robot Education Science Join now to download
Sequenced Close up of two female students working on engineering project in classroom Education Science Join now to download
Close up of young male student putting on glasses and observing science experiment Education Science Join now to download
Sequenced Close tilt up of student texting at table on campus Technology Lifestyle Join now to download
Sequenced Mid of student looking around from table on campus Education Lifestyle Join now to download
Sequenced Close tilt up of student working on laptop at table on campus Technology Education Join now to download
Sequenced Mid of student writing in notebook at table on campus Education Lifestyle Join now to download
Sequenced Close tilt up of student reading book with rack focus Education Lifestyle Join now to download
Sequenced Mid of student smiling during phone call at table on campus Technology Lifestyle Join now to download